Playing By Googles Rules
Posted on June 21, 2022 by Barrett Florin
As the undisputable leader in search engines, Google places a very high importance on the quality and relevancy of its search results, especially now that the company is public.The know that in order to keep the shareholders and users of the engine happy, the quality of returned results are vitally important.Because of this, doing the wrong thing, purposely or unintentionally could result in a severe penalty or even get you get you banned from the listings...
Advertise Locally Using Search Engines
Posted on May 10, 2022 by Barrett Florin
While search engine advertising has been a great advertising medium for businesses capable of or interested in advertising their services and products to a national or global audience, the effectiveness of the sort of advertising was limited for businesses interested in advertising to a local market until very recently.By way of example, a realtor with a web site in Minneapolis is likely interested in advertising on search phrases such as"homes for sale" and"sell my dwelling...
Are Your SEO Efforts Going To Waste?
Posted on April 8, 2022 by Barrett Florin
Search engine optimization (SEO) is a long and complex process that can be highly rewarding if done properly.Search engine optimization isn't a waste of time, but can be if your site does not appeal to visitors or function properly.Your potential customer will be turned off if your site lacks trustworthiness, an eye pleasing color scheme and simple to use navigation.Why lose visitors and possible sales because of a small design flaw or unappealing color scheme? Those visitors could have resulted in sales if those small imperfections were fixed...
Fresh Content Improves Search Engine Optimization
Posted on March 22, 2022 by Barrett Florin
Many search engine optimization companies will sell you a search engine optimization package that addresses a number of the significant facets of search engine optimization.These aspects include, but aren't limited to, use of file names, alt tags, h1 tags, keyphrase density, meta tag optimization, link analysis and such.These are all important aspects of a good search optimization.However, one difficulty is that the main search engines (especially Google) not only rank pages upon relevant content (which is determined by the factors listed above, and more), but by fresh content as well...
Search Engines Explained
Posted on February 8, 2022 by Barrett Florin
A search engine is a database system designed to index and categorize internet addresses, otherwise known as URLs.There are four basic types of search engines:Automatic: These search engines are based on information that's collected, sorted and analyzed by software programs, commonly called"robots","spiders", or"crawlers".These spiders crawl through web pages collecting information that is then analyzed and categorized into an"index"...