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Search Engine Optimization, Tips on Successful Page Ranking

Posted on October 21, 2022 by Barrett Florin

One of the main things to remember when creating your web-site presence is to always evaluate your competition. See what's working for them; how they advertise their services and products, and even evaluate their KEYWORD and DESCRIPTION tags.

The key points of using these two Meta Tags, is optimization!

Evaluate your key words: look at your site and assess it products and services, make certain to perform a search in http://www.Google.com to help you decide on the keywords your potential clients may be seeking.

The next issue is to rate your website content to see precisely how many times you're using these key words, the biggest mistake that web-masters create is creating their Meta Tag Description and Keywords rather than including them in their articles pages.

To get the best results, is to make certain you use as many of your discretion and keywords tags throughout your whole website.

The next thing is the products or images, be sure to include some of those key words on your Meta Tag, as it educates spider bots to search links to additional pages on your website, increasing your odds of getting better indexed in the search engines.

The next key point is to also make certain you've created page titles for each section of your website, this is just another mistake most make and they generally brand each page with their site name, the error is that, when your potential customer types into Google for a particular product or product you lesson your chances on being pulled up.

Name each section of your website using the keywords and phrases you developed on your site, this ensuring higher page rank in Google, and you not being found within the first returned results but end up on page 15 etc..

Google looks also for inbound links, these being associate web-sites who have agreed to be a link partner or affiliate of your site.

Also update your content regularly, Google loves content, content, content, the more rich content you provide using your keywords the better you page rankings will be. The best way we found is to update your pages 2-3 times weekly, such as Monday, Wednesday and again Sunday.

Thus ensuring that the Google spider-bot will return frequently as so will your prospective customers, as visitors are most likely to see a web-site that's updated with new and interesting topics or things.

Now use Google, and do a search for your competitors, within the very first page results returned looked for potential link partners, which provide the very same products or resources as you.

Contact the secretary or web-master simply asking them to link trade with you. Most websites already offer a link exchange program or an affiliate program. These are ideal ways to create inbound links to your website that have already created Google page rank.

List your website in Link Directories that offer a specific category for your services, these are also excellent ways to create inbound links as the more inbound links you have created to your site the higher the page rank in Google.

The key points to getting your site noticed is to optimize the keywords and use them pulled out your website. Get quality link partners that have the very same services or products you provide. The cause of this is if you connect to a Tupper ware site and you offer fine wine, it is not going to do you much good since there's not any common denominator. List your sites in Link Directories that offer a particular category that best matches your website content and services.