Tag: phrases
Articles tagged as Phrases
Understanding Stop Words, and How to Avoid Them
Posted on October 8, 2023 by Barrett Florin
To learn how to avoid stop words, you first need to know very well what stop words are.Se's have words or phrases which are considered 'stop words'.Whenever a spider or crawler encounters one of these brilliant stop words, they'll immediately leave your site and any information they gathered as a result will never be saved within their database.Which means that your website will never be indexed.If your site has already been indexed in a searched engine, the crawler should come back again to see if you can find updates -- and when it finds stop words when it can this, in that case your site could easily get banned from the internet search engine...
Advertise Locally Using Search Engines
Posted on May 10, 2022 by Barrett Florin
While search engine advertising has been a great advertising medium for businesses capable of or interested in advertising their services and products to a national or global audience, the effectiveness of the sort of advertising was limited for businesses interested in advertising to a local market until very recently.By way of example, a realtor with a web site in Minneapolis is likely interested in advertising on search phrases such as"homes for sale" and"sell my dwelling...